
MyMine is your personal InterMine account where you can manage your lists, queries, templates etc, share your lists with other users and create favourite templates and lists. You can access your MyMine account from the main tabs. The MyMine tab then has a series of subtabs for managing lists, templates, queries and your account details etc:


Create an account

Create an account through the Log in link:


NOTE - any information saved in your account is private. It will not be accessible by other users and we will not inspect your saved data beyond automatic performance optimisation and updates.


The lists tab provides details of all the lists you have made. If you have lists that need upgrading, these will be shown first. Lists may need upgrading if some of the identifiers have become outdated between CandidaMine data releases. To upgrade a list click on the green arrow, this will take you to listconfirmationpage.


Lists are shown in alphabetical order and options are available to rename, mark as favourites, copy, delete and carry out set operations. .. image:: ../_images/myminelists.png


This tab displays any searches you have run during the current session. These are not saved permanently, but the history provides an option to permanently save a query - these will then be shown in the Queries tab of your MyMine account.



Any queries you run or create can be saved permanently to your MyMine account. Queries can be saved from your History or from the query builder (see saveexport).


Any template searches you create yourself will be stored permanently here, with options to run, edit and export (as xml) as well as delete if the search is no longer required. Any query created using the query builder can be saved as a template as long as it has at least one constraint (see buildatemplate). You can also import template searches from xml - this is a useful way to share a template search you have created with colleagues. Template searches that you create yourself or share with colleagues are not made public. Templates that you have created yourself also appear under the main templates tab and are highlighted to indicate that they are your own rather than public templates (see buildatemplate).


You can change your password here.

Account Details

The account details tab allows you set various aspects of your account as follows:

Inform me by email of newly shared lists: Do you want to receive an email if someone shares a list with you? (see listsshare for more details about list sharing).

Allow other users to share lists with me without confirmation: Do you want users to be able to share lists with you without asking first?

Display name: Set the name displayed in your InterMine interface.

Your preferred email address: Set the email address you prefer to use for correspondence - for example if someone shares a list with you. This could be different to the email you use to login to your account.

API access key:

API keys are used to access the features of the InterMine API without having to use your username or password.

For each new database release, all lists and queries are transferred to the new database release. Sometimes identifiers in lists become outdated and you will be asked to update your list (see listsupgrade). Occasionally we have to make changes to the underlying data model which make affect any queries you have saved. Please contact us (contact) if you would like any further information or help about such a query.